I think there is a place for every size church. One famous pastor said he couldn’t believe why anyone would attend a small church. Then he apologized. Of course he had never been a part of a small church. Most new churches start out small. Very few start with hundreds or more. We planted a church in 2001... the week of 9/11. That was the worst week to ever begin a church but that is a post for another time. We averaged in the 100’s while being 35 minutes from Northpoint in Alpharetta, GA. I enjoy speaking but I’d rather be part of a move of God than just having a place to speak.
I don’t remember the last time I’ve preached in a church. However, I do share my faith daily in the workplace & through outreaches at our church. It used to bother me not to preach, but I’m good just being part of a larger move of God. Yesterday, our church provided Christmas presents to families who couldn’t provide for themselves. We made the parents the heroes by not letting the children know we provided the gifts. Part of the process was having the parents hear a gospel presentation by one of our pastors. I had the privilege of praying with people who made decisions to follow Jesus. Our church has 19 campuses & we had over 800 documented decisions for Christ!
Now I would never say that a small church is bad. There are places for all size churches. But there is something great about the momentum of large churches. I’ve been part of both. The reality is healthy churches reach people for Christ. So the size of the church isn’t the end all. However, a large healthy church has resources that a smaller church doesn’t have.
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