In John 11 Jesus hears that his "friend" Lazarus is sick. You would think if Jesus healed a bunch of strangers he would jump at the chance to save his friend's life. But Jesus hears the news about Lazarus and stays an extra 2 days. The thing is Jesus knows what he is about to do. He has a plan but no one else knows about it. Lazarus' sisters were Mary and Martha and they were very close to Jesus. One would expect Jesus would heal Lazarus just for them. I would imagine after Lazarus died their faith was rocked. They knew Jesus could heal their brother. Finally, Jesus gets there. Lazarus was in the tomb for 4 days and the Hebrews believed by this point it was impossible for someone to rise from the dead.
I love John 11:32
When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”Mary and Martha knew Jesus had the power to heal their brother but he didn't. I've felt that way. I know Jesus has the power to do things but for whatever reason, He chose not to. But this story ends well when Jesus heals their brother. He had the power all along but chose to wait so he could do something greater. Maybe that will happen soon in my life.
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