This week I got to serve at GROW 19. It is a conference that Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Alabama puts on every year to help pastors grow their church. The secret to Highlands is prayer and culture. I'm not naive to believe that it is a perfect environment. Nowhere this side of heaven is perfect. But the culture is contagious. We had hundreds of Dream Teamers (volunteers) giving of their time to serve almost 4000 pastors. I am passionate about serving at Grow because I was one of the desperate pastors 12 years ago.
What the pastors and staff find when they visit Highlands is that there is a healthy culture. Perfect, by no means. But healthy, yes. Trust me, I know the difference. I've been a part of 4 church splits. One as a child and three as a staff member. One of those splits was a mutiny. In unhealthy cultures, the staff and members don't work together. They are territorial. The last church I pastored, I had groups formed to get rid of me. They met in the back of a local restaurant with stacks of complaints about me. I don't want to make it sound like I'm perfect either. I'm sure I was the cause of some unhealthiness at places I served.
When we joined Highlands the excellence and culture was what attracted us. It is a church that is truly about going after the lost. It excites me every time I enter the doors or go out monthly serving at the Dream Center. Thursday was my birthday. I'm not one who cares about being noticed. I didn't tell anyone on the team I was serving at Grow that it was my birthday. But one of my friends who is on staff at the church wished me a happy birthday because he saw it on Facebook. Next thing I know the whole team I was serving with is singing happy birthday.
Several of my co-workers called and wished me a happy birthday. Then someone from the ministry I serve at called. When I saw it I just assumed he was calling to wish me a happy birthday. That was a bad assumption. He wanted to know why I had not done my monthly reports. I always get my reports in on time but they recently changed the date of our deadline and I thought it was the 1st not the last day of the month. Nothing was said about my birthday or even asked about my family. Let's just say, it was a contrast of two cultures. Thankful that I can be part of a healthy culture at church. That is more than most people can say.
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