We don't read much about Joseph the father of Jesus. Apparently, he died before Jesus was crucified. A lot has been said about the faith of Mary and rightly so. I can't imagine how scary it was for her to become pregnant and to still be a virgin. I can't imagine the jeers and the whispers she heard. Then if that is not enough, she had to watch her innocent son be killed.
But Joseph's life isn't mentioned very much. In Matthew1:19 it says that Joseph was faithful to the law. When he found out Mary was pregnant, I can't imagine what was in his head. Rather than get back at her, he was going to dissolve their engagement quietly. If this happened today in the social media climate, I would imagine some of his friends would have had him post some tough stuff.
Yet, Joseph wanted to protect her. He cared about her. Then when he had a dream that explained how Mary got pregnant it all made sense. However, only he knew that. It wasn't like he could tell everyone on social media or the evening news that Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. When Joseph had the dream it says that when he woke up
HE DID what the angel commanded him. Joseph had a choice. He chose to obey God.
In Matthew 2 Joseph had another dream to take Mary and Jesus in the middle of the night and go to Eygpt. In vs 14, it says "
HE GOT UP." In vs 21, he had another dream and was told to take his family back to Galilee. The scripture says, "
Not much is written about Joseph. But if all that was written about me is "
HE DID" and "
HE GOT UP" I'm good with that. Obedience is why Joseph heard from God. It is why God chose to place his son in the hands of Joseph.