Thursday, February 28, 2019

Unsearchable things

Have you ever had life all planned out and it doesn't happen the way you thought?  If you are a follower of Christ and you are living for God, He probably protected you from something unforeseen.  There are a lot of verses in the Bible that are misquoted or taken out of context.  Especially verses in the Old Testament.  Many of the verses Christians quote were meant for Israel.  However, we can claim some of these promises for us too. In Jeremiah 33:3 God told the Hebrews to call on him and He would tell them unsearchable things that they didn't know.  That is my prayer for my life.  I have things planned out but they never turn out the way I want.  But I want to hear what God wants.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Ever wondered?

I don't know anyone who had their life go exactly as they planned.  I've never used my B.S. Degree.  I did use my first Masters and now use it again.  I definitely use my M.Div and plan to use my D.Min.  But it is always interesting to look back on how things happened to see God at work.  I've wondered why God has had me in some of my recent positions.  Things have changed drastically in the last year.  God doesn't do anything by accident.  I'm still not sure what my next steps are.  God has used me and given me a vision for the future.  Sometimes I wonder if my visions are from God or just something I ate.  I guess we will see.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Things are what they appear

The days of the internet and social media make things appear better than what they are in person.  Sunday I saw a car at local car dealership online.  This is well known New and Used Car Dealer.  They have what they call their economy lot.  The car looked amazing online and I wondered why it was priced so low.  It was detailed and everything looked great.  It has leather seats and the rear seats looked like they had never been sat in.  The floorboards looked clean.  But I realize that there were no pictures of the front seats.  I arrived yesterday and there it was.  It didn't look as clean in person as it did online.  In fact, I wondered if it was the same car.  When I opened the door, I realized why it was price was what it was.  The front seats were almost gone.  All I could see was the foam.  Things can look good from the outside but they aren't always what they seem.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Availability & Follow-through

Yesterday was an interesting one.   I was asked to visit an employee's cousin of one of the companies we serve in another town.  I got there and he was friendly and we talked for a while.  He is not a believer but has been open to God in the past.  He told me something tragic though.  He visited a church with his then-girlfriend and checked a box on the response card to have a staff member contact him.  They never did.  He took that as his sign that God wasn't interested him.  I am so grieved by that and hope I always follow-through.  I invited him to our church and when he gets out he is supposed to come with me.

Then, last night my wife and I went to a restaurant at the Summit on Hwy 280 in Birmingham.  We were enjoying our bread before the meal when our waiter comes over to refill the water in our glasses and the people next to us.  After he fills the water glasses of the people next to us he turns to us and starts telling us that this was his first night back at work.  He begins telling us that he was in a motorcycle accident two weeks earlier and that he was in a sling until yesterday.  He said, that God was watching over him.  Then he said, "I don't know why I felt led to tell you this."  Now, he didn't tell the other couple about this.  He told us.  My wife was smiling and I know what she was thinking.  When our waiter left, Cass looked about me and laughed.  I asked her, what just happened?   I didn't initiate the conversation like I often do.  It was very loud and not the time to try to witness to anyone.  Cass said you have an Aura around you.  I laughed and said it is the Holy Spirit.  When Shawn, our waiter came back, I asked more about his accident and it turned out he was in the Marines and had been stationed at Camp Lejeune for a short time.  I was the youth minister at a church in Jacksonville for 3 years.  I asked Shawn if he went to church anywhere and he said no.  I told him about our church, Church of the Highlands.  I gave him my number and invited him to come with us.  Then I pointed to one of our Highlands College students who was also a waiter.  I then told the student about Shawn and how I invited him to church.

Why did God drop this opportunity into our laps?  I don't know.  But I think it is because I pray every day for God to give me opportunities to share my faith.  I can't take any credit for what happened because I wasn't even thinking about sharing with Shawn.  But could it be that the Holy Spirit has anointed me for times like these?  I have no idea. 

Two things I learned from yesterday.  One, follow-through.  Two, be available.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

God has my "6"

I was never in the military but I served on staff at a church in a Marine town for 3 years.  I also love to watch military movies and tv shows.  One of the terms they use in the military is when a fellow military person has their back they call it having their "6."  This means they have their back.   As I was studying Isaiah 58:7-8 it hit me that if we take care of those less fortunate and meet their needs that God will be our "rear guard.''  In today's military terms, God has our "6."  Then in vs 9, it says if call on God He will answer us.  That is cool that God has our back.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

God's Word accomplishes what He wants

There are some Christians and unfortunately preachers who butcher the Bible.  They take verses and make the Bible like a Magic Gennie.  But the reality is that the Bible is here for us to be used for God's purposes.  He wants us to know Him and we get to know God by studying His Word.  I was reading in Isaiah 55 this morning and in vs 11 it talks about how God's Word will not return empty.  I've heard that verse hundreds of times.  But the next part spoke to me today.  It says that God's Word will accomplish what He desires.  God's Word will achieve the purpose for which He sent.  This challenged me to use God's Word more.  I don't need to use it to beat people over the head, but if I'm reading this correctly, when I use God's Word it achieves the purposes He wants.  Pretty cool.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


We live in a world of negativity.  The news is negative.  Social media is negative.  Friends and family are negative.  How do we stay sane in a world that is so angry?  What our world needs are encouragers.  My favorite character in the Bible besides Jesus is a man named Joseph from Cyprus.  He was such a positive influence on the early church that the disciples changed his name.  Anytime a person's name was changed in the Bible it meant there was a change in that person.  I've heard some pretty bad nicknames.  But I love what they changed Joseph's name to be.  He was called Barnabas.  That may sound like a strange name but it means "Son of Encouragement."  Wouldn't that be cool to have your name changed because you were such an encouragement?  Barnabas is the reason the disciples accepted Saul who persecuted the church.  I believe it was because of Barnabas that Saul transformed into Paul.  I believe it was because of Barnabas and his encouraging that John Mark went from outcast to Paul to a useful servant.  Barnabas was a great man that the Bible said led many people to the Lord.  It also says he encouraged people.  I want to be remembered as an Encourager. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

Strength to the weak

Isaiah 40:29-31 is a familiar passage to many people who study the Bible.  It says that God gives strength to the weak.  Those who trust in God, He will renew their strength.  I've been burning the candle on 4 ends recently.  I need Him to renew my strength. 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Be in the moment

I don't like to be late for anything.  I don't like procrastination.  I'm sure I should relax more than I do but I try to stay ahead in everything I do.  The problem with that is that I'm always ahead.  I think I need to be more in the moment I'm in.  Coach Nick Saban talks about the process.  Sometimes we look at the outcomes more than living in the moment we are in.  I think that is where I need to improve.  Be in the moment.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Stay Ahead

At the time of this post, I'm enrolled in 3 classes at two different schools, teaching two in person and 2 online.  I also have a FT job.  I agreed to teach all of the extra classes because of the severe cut in pay I received last year.  All of this has required me to be even more organized than I normally am.  I always try to stay ahead of everything I do.  I have turned in work for my D.Min at least 2 weeks ahead. I can't turn in work early at Highlands because they don't open up the work until the day of class.  I don't know how people wait until the last minute to do things.  Because some kink always happens.  Nothing ever turns out the way I plan.  My life hasn't turned out how I planned.  But it is the way God designed.  I don't say this to complain.  I'm grateful for how God has worked in my life.  I'm not sure I would have been happy and fulfilled with the plans I had.  Not sure what is next, but I'm preparing to take any opportunities God sends my way.

Thursday, February 14, 2019


There are a lot of spirits in the world.  Most of America is controlled by the wrong spirits.  Have you ever wondered why alcohol is called spirits?  Because it controls people.  God is a spirit.  One part of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit.  Jesus promised that we would get the Holy Spirit after He left the earth.  In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came and went on to certain people.  Now that Jesus was resurrected we have the Holy Spirit the moment we accept Christ into our lives.  Isaiah says that Wisdom is a spirit. So is understanding, counsel, might knowledge and fear of the Lord.  Those are the spirits I want in me.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Sacrifice without heart change is meaningless

Religion is all about sacrifice.  People think that by giving things up, God will find favor on them.  But that is not how it works.  We could never sacrifice enough to earn God's favor.  Some give sacrifices but their heart never changes.  God can't stand that.  The reality is that is that only one person could give enough sacrifice to make a difference in our lives.  God had to send his only son to die for our sins.  His sacrifice wasn't meaningless.  Not only that but because of His sacrifice, my heart is changed.

Saturday, February 9, 2019


As I began reading in Ecclesiastes, I was struck by Solomon's take on life.  He said that everything was meaningless.  The man had everything the world had to offer.  He had wisdom, power, money, sex, etc... Yet after surveying all he had, he came to the conclusion that everything was meaningless.  I think he is right if you don't have a relationship with God.  God is the one who gives us our purpose.  Solomon did say that it was good to find something you enjoy doing.  Sometimes, I wonder.  O well, that is a post for another day.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Give me what I need

I found two interesting verses in Proverbs 30:8-9.  The author said that they didn't want poverty nor riches.  If they had poverty they would steal and if they had too much they would disown God.  The poverty gospel is wrong as well as the prosperity gospel.  The Provision Gospel is the one that God calls us to.  God, give me what I need--nothing more, nothing less.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Knowing the difference between wisdom and deceit

I've already shared how the author of Proverbs describes wisdom as a voice.  Well, so is deceit.  That is why it is so important to listen to the right voices.  So how do we do that?  I believe the only way to know for sure you are hearing the right voices is to be reading God's Word on a regular basis and listening to His voice.  If you don't know someone's voice well you can be fooled.  But if my wife were to call me, I know her voice the moment I hear it because I know her well.  We spend a lot of time together.  That's how it should be with wisdom.  If I spend time in God's Word and listening for His voice, He will speak.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Listeners are successful

Last year one of our pastors was guiding me on some career goals.  He gently pointed out that an area I could improve on is listening.  He said my brain is always thinking ahead.  I took his advice and read two books on listening skills. When I re-did my Rule of 5 I included Listening as one of my five.  The Bible points that in Proverbs 21:28 that good listeners are successful.  That is my desire today.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

God's name is a strong tower

I've heard Proverbs 18:10 for years.  Depending on the translation, it basically says that God's name is a fort and if we run to His name we are safe.  I'm not sure exactly how that works but I just rely on God for everything and instead of trying to do things on my own power.  At least I try.  Anytime I take over I mess things up.  Maybe that's the point, run to God and let him handle everything.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Get Busy

One of the themes I see in Proverbs is that the wise get busy.  They don't procrastinate and wait for things to happen, they make things happen.  It is one thing to depend on God, but it is another thing to depend on Him as you get busy.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Silence is golden

I don't know who coined the phrase, "Silence is Golden," but I'd like to have a few words with them.  As I'm studying in Proverbs it is obvious that Wisdom has a voice and it speaks.  If I'm desperately seeking wisdom, why is God so silent? 

Friday, February 1, 2019

Get Wisdom - Get Understanding

I was studying in Proverbs 3 & 4 today.  I was impressed by the fact that the beginning of wisdom is just to get it. (Proverbs 4:7).  The author also emphasized that if you want wisdom and understanding you have to go get it.  It comes from God, but He wants us to go after it with everything we have.