Friday, May 31, 2019


I don't know about anyone else but I don't like to wait.  I jump on everything early. I have written my last three research papers way earlier than they were due.  I've already written the forum posts for my class this summer.  I just don't want to wait.  But unfortunately, you have to wait for some things.  Especially in the Christian life.  In John 2 it says that the disciples didn't realize until after Jesus died what some of his sayings meant.  I wonder if the holding pattern I've been in the last few weeks will become clear one day. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

You will see greater things than that

I started studying the book of John this morning.  I love how Jesus calls his disciples.  When Nathanael was asked to join the group by Philip he thought what good thing could ever come from Nazareth.   Then Jesus called him by name and Nathanael wondered how Jesus knew who he was and Jesus said I saw you under the tree.  Of course, that spooked Nathanael as it would any of us.  He believed Jesus because of this.  I love what Jesus says in John 1:50b.
You will see greater things than that.
It got me thinking if Jesus just meant that for them or will we see even greater things today?  I hear stories of miracles happening on the foreign mission field.  I've heard of legs growing back and even people raised from the dead.  I've heard the voice of God fairly regularly the last few years but don't know if I've seen the greater things.  Was it just for the disciples?  That doesn't appear to be so.  Because Jesus said it was for our benefit that he leaves.  He promised us the Holy Spirit.  Since God's Spirit lives in me then I should experience Greater things.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Open our eyes and mind

As I was doing my Bible study in Luke 24 I noticed that after Jesus was resurrected that the disciples did not know it was Jesus until he opened their eyes and their minds.  My prayer is that He opens my eyes and mind daily.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Make up your mind beforehand

When you are put under pressure that is not the time to decide how you will react or behave.  Athletes know this.  The reason some people are so clutch is they have practiced so much and decided how they will respond under pressure.  Jesus taught this to His disciples in Luke 21.  He told the disciples in Luke 21:14:
But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves.
The time to decide how you will act is before it happens.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Small Things

I am a dreamer.  When I dream I don't dream about small things.  But almost everything that has gotten big started small.  Usually, those who explode with growth quickly aren't able to withstand the pressure.  That is sad.  That is probably why God's plan is to give us small things to see if we are ready for the bigger things He wants to give us.  In Luke 19 Jesus tells a story of a ruler who gave his servants 10 minas.  That is the equivalent of 3 month's wages.  The first servant made 10 more and the 2nd made 5 more.  Unfortunately, the 3rd hid his and didn't earn anything.  I love what Jesus tells the first servant in Luke 19:17,
Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.
I wonder how often I am trustworthy in the small things?  Maybe I'm in the desert season right now is because he is testing me for the small things.  May I learn.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

What do you want me to do for you?

As I was studying in Luke 18 this morning there were a lot of takeaways.  The one that stuck out the most was there was a beggar who was blind and cried out to Jesus.  Now, Jesus is all knowing.  So I find this statement kind of funny.   Luke 18:41 says,
What do you want me to do for you?
Why would Jesus ask someone what they wanted from Him when He already knew?  Maybe because He wants us to keep asking.  In Luke 18:42 Jesus said,
Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.
God can do whatever He wants.  I think God wants us to ask and vocalize it. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


I'm not a very patient person.  I'm early for almost all appointments.  If I'm late there is probably a good reason.  I don't like waiting in my spiritual life either.  It seems like God has had me waiting a lot over the last few years.   Not sure why but I've been in a stall or even going backward.  I guess God has a sense of humor.  I know I'll know what is happening one day but today it is hard.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Everything I have is yours

Today my Bible study was again in Luke 15.  I studied the story of the loving father, the prodigal son and the older brother.  This passage is probably one of the most preached passages.  I can always relate to the older brother because I was never a rebellious person.  I'm sure if you went by being a good person I'm pretty good.  But the reality is no one is good.  I have my own flaws and sins that just some don't see.  I have to deal with pride because I have checked off a lot of boxes.  As I have grown my love for God has grown because He has seen it in is grace to mold me.  Some of the molding--well all of the molding has been difficult.  I wish you could become mature as a Christian the moment you give your life to Him. 

The older son was upset that the younger son blew all of his inheritance on prostitutes and wild living.  I have to admit there are times I rank sins.  That is a sin because it comes from pride and arrogance.  My sins are an abomination in the eyes of God.  I truly wish I wasn't that way.  I have been guilty of comparing.  But my sin caused Jesus to go the cross to pay for them.  I'm truly sorry for that.  My pride and Phariseeism can bet out of hand.  Thankfully, Jesus forgives me.  The older son didn't want to celebrate when his brother came back.  That is a story in itself.  Then the father confronted the older brother and said why aren't you at the party?  The older brother rattled off all of the junk his brother had done.  I've been there and done that. 

I love what the father tells him in Luke 15:31
My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.
Wow, when I think about that statement I'm humbled.  I have everything that God has.  When Jesus left earth the Father gave us the Holy Spirit.  Which means I have God living in me.  So I really do have everything.  I just need to remind myself that daily.  No, every minute.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Until he/she finds it

Jesus is all about ministering to sinners.  That is good because I am one.  In Luke 15 the tax collectors and sinners gathered around Him.  How many sinners want to be around Christians today?  Probably not as many I would like to know.  I hope that people feel comfortable around me.  Jesus told them three stories.  The third is the prodigal son and I will be studying it tomorrow.  But today I noticed that two objects were lost.  The first was a sheep and the second was a coin.  Jesus said any shepherd would leave the 99 sheep to go after one.  A woman lost a coin that was important to her even though she had 9 others.  In both stories, Jesus said they looked frantically for both objects.  I love how Jesus says that they looked until he/she found it.  Isn't it great to know that is how God pursues us?  I think that is why I'm passionate about going after the lost.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Closes the door

In Luke 13 Jesus was asked if only a few people would be saved?  Jesus told them to make every effort to go through the narrow door.  Then He said something that drives me to share the Gospel any time I get a chance.  Luke 15:25 says,
Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking and pleading, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’ (emphasis mine)
We don't know when Jesus is going to close the door.  That is why I share my faith consistently.  I don't want to see anyone being left out.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Much given--much expected

It's easy to complain and whine about minor things in life.  The reality is that we have it made in the US.  I have a house and a car to drive and I never worry about eating.  I have medical care regardless of how much it costs.  I have been given much.  I've also been given a lot spiritually.  God has gifted me with gifts I don't even understand.  God has given me a supernatural gift to share the gospel with people.  Usually when I share it leads to a decision.  It is not anything I've done.  It is all what God does through me.  I'm not that gifted naturally but I am supernaturally.  Jesus said in Luke 12:48b,
From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
That is why I'm driven to serve.  I can't explain it.  It is a calling and I'm afraid if I don't use the gifts that God has entrusted to me that He will take them and give them to someone who will use them.  The last 2 years have been very confusing.  I have had to deal with stupid drama.  I'm sure I'm guilty of contributing to it.  I've been working on keeping my mouth shut and just serving.  God has given me so much and I want to use it for His glory.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Social Justice

It is interesting to me that lots of people from my former denomination are arguing over social justice.  I don't understand that.  Why would a follower of Jesus not be for social justice?  I am a white male who has been given much.  I was raised not to be prejudiced but I know it is is in me.  When I pastored a church in Charlotte, NC we did a demographic study around the church.  We found that there were 50% African Americans within 5 miles of the church and we had ZERO in our church. That bothered me.  I lived in a nice subdivision and our two next door neighbors were African American.  My children's best friends were African American.  Yet, I would say they were not welcomed at our church.  My student minister and I were convicted and started inviting the community to the church.  You know what happened?  They started coming.  In fact, it started that Sunday.  We had at least 20 students that came to the student ministry.  We had an African American couple visit our Sunday School class.  I led them to Christ and they wanted to join the church.  I'll never forget the anxiousness I felt as they came to the front of the church to let the church know the decision they made.  It should have been a time of rejoicing.  But, I was nervous because I wasn't sure how our church would react.  Isn't that horrible? 

To the church's credit, they voted this couple in.  However, the backroom gossip and complaints began.  Our deacons, personnel committee, and church council called for a special meeting to discuss the "State of the Church."  The concern was over the African Americans that were coming to our church.  I told them that our church had 3 options:  One was to reach our community,  which was my desire.  The second was to relocate and let a church that would reach the community to do so, which I was willing to do.  The third was that the church would die.   For the next two or three hours, the people in that room went at each other.  These were long-time friends.  Some of them wanted to reach the community.  Others did but didn't want the baggage that it came with.  And some just let it be known that they didn't want that in the church.  I looked over at my student minister and he was fuming. 

I left that meeting depressed.  I told my wife that I couldn't lead a racist church.  So we prayed and decided that I would resign after our mission trip.  There was one more New Orleans Missions Trip that I was leading in 2 months and our son was going.  Our student minister was also going.  The next morning I met my student minister at Starbucks like we often did.  I told him that he should be looking for another ministry position.  He had this look in his eyes I will never forget.  He said I've already been offered another position.  We both decided to finish the mission trip and both resign.  The problem for me was I had no job to go to.  The mission trip was awesome.  The next Monday was right before Thanksgiving and 2 deacons came to talk to me.  My plan was to resign after Thanksgiving.  They brought up the problems in the church.  Mainly the changes I had brought.  I'm sure some of the problems were my fault.  I did bring in drastic changes.  The other problem was the new people that were coming in.  In other words, African Americans.  I was appalled!  Somehow the talk went to having someone else taking over the church.  So, I resigned on the spot.

I'm not hero and I won't be talked about in any social justice discussions.  But this was my experience and I can't believe in 2019 Christians are arguing over social justice.  Of course, we should be concerned with the plight of others.  Look what Jesus said in Luke 11:42

“Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.

How can any follower of Jesus neglect justice?  I can't believe what I'm hearing from Christians.   If we love God, then we should care. 

Monday, May 13, 2019


I've watched the movie National Treasure over a dozen times.  I love the passion that Nicolas Cage had about everything to do with the US.  One scene I remember was when they were trying to figure out one of the clues about the Charlotte.  Cage said that what was written was "resolute" which meant it was firm, absolute and unwavering.

As I was reading in Luke 9 this morning a verse stood out to me.  Of course Luke 9:23 is one I quote often about taking up my cross daily.  But this morning Luke 9:51 hit a chord.  It says:

As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.
Think about this.  Jesus knew He was going to Jerusalem for one reason and one reason only--to die.  Yet Jesus didn't waver.  He "RESOLUTELY" went to His death for me.  Powerful.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Nothing is an accident

I was covering for our pastoral team at church while they were on a staff retreat.  After my shift, I went to see my wife at one of the other campuses of our church.  I was about to leave when a man walked into that campus needing someone to talk to.  My wife let him know that the pastors and staff were on a retreat. He asked if he could go to the main campus.  My wife asked what he needed?  He said he needed some to talk to about grief.  She looked at me and said to the man I don't think it is an accident that you are here right now.  She introduced me and I talked to him.  I don't believe in accidents.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Even Sinners

I was reading in Luke 6 today.  Jesus taught some strong messages in this chapter.  What stood out to me this morning was how Jesus said we are to treat people.  It is easy to love those who love us.  Jesus said that even sinners do that.  Jesus wants us to love our enemies.  He said to do good to them.  Ouch!  How often do I get upset and hurt when I'm mistreated rather than pray and love them? 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Could not find a way

I was studying Luke 5 this morning and there was a paralyzed man who had his friends bring him to Jesus.  They "couldn't find a way" to get to Jesus so they went on top of the roof and cut a hole in the roof and lowered the man in.  How passionate am I to see people come to Christ that I will find a way to get them to Jesus?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Power & Authority

As I was reading in Luke 4 this morning I kept seeing how the people were amazed that Jesus spoke with authority and power.  Not only that but he healed and drove out demons because he had authority and power.  What I felt the Holy Spirit telling me was that I have that same power and authority at my disposal.  Not because I'm special or gifted but because I have the Holy Spirit in me.  So, do I really minister in Jesus' authority and power?  Probably not like I should.  Have I driven out a demon?  No, but my dad has numerous times.  Have I seen someone healed when I prayed and laid hands on them?  Yes, a few times.  But I wonder how much more God could do if I just had faith. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

You never know who is watching

Yesterday I responded to a pastor friend's Twitter post about the legalistic and mean tweets that some misguided people have responded to a prominent feminist Christian writer who died.  What I feel about her beliefs don't really matter at this time.  There is no reason to qualify them at a time like this.  What we should say is that we are sorry for her family's loss and we will be praying for them.  Period.

My pastor friend posted a horrible response to her passing.  It was actually very mean.  I responded that it is no wonder there are many who don't go to church.  I had no idea that a friend from high school saw my response.  He responded to me and my pastor friend that this is why he hasn't been to church in 40 years.  Ouch.  I wonder if my legalism drove him away when we were in high school.  I was a Pharisee.  I hate to think about how I was back then.  In this age of social media, you never know who is watching. 

Christians, (ME THE MOST), think about what you say and post.  Eternity does hang on the brink.

Friday, May 3, 2019


I was reading in Luke 1 this morning.  When Mary heard from the Angel that she would become pregnant she wanted to know how?  She was a virgin so it was impossible for her to be pregnant.  How many times have I asked God how?  How am I going to be a good parent or husband?  How can I pay this bill?  How can I be a minister?  How? The Angel told her that she would become pregnant through the Holy Spirit.  The only way I can do anything in my life is through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Can't save Himself

I was reading in Mark 15 this morning.  In vs 31 the chief priests and teachers of the law mocked Jesus and said: "but He can't save Himself."  This is true and false.  It is false because Jesus could have come down at any time and saved Himself.  But it is false because He couldn't save Himself or maybe it should say He "WOULDN'T" save Himself.  Thank God He didn't try to save Himself.  He had to be crucified to pay for "MY" sins.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


I don't know anyone who hasn't felt overwhelmed at some point in their life.   In Mark 14:34 Jesus was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.  Jesus was and is God, but He gave up much of His power while on earth to identify with us.  What I noticed while reading this passage is that if Jesus, who is God, was overwhelmed it is not uncommon for me to be overwhelmed.  Maybe God allows us to be overwhelmed so that we depend and cry out to God.  Jesus even prayed three times to take away the pain that he was about to endure.