Friday, April 19, 2019


We hear about faith a lot.  But do we really know what faith is?  Do I really have faith?  I say I do but sometimes I wonder.  I was studying Mark 2 today and Jesus was speaking to some people and there were so many people that they couldn't get in the house or even outside.  I guess that was the first church with overflow.  I do notice that where ever Jesus went there were crowds.  So, those who think Megachurches are evil might want to read the Bible.

But what struck me today was how four men did whatever they could to get to Jesus.  Not for them, but for their friend who couldn't walk.  They wouldn't be stopped.  They couldn't get through the crowd so they went on top of the house and dug a hole in the roof.  I wonder what the homeowner thought?  How would you explain that to your insurance agent?  Jesus saw their faith and forgave the man of his sins.  Not his faith, their faith!  He then healed the man to show his authority.  So, I wonder how often my faith changes the lives of others? 

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