Monday, December 31, 2018


In 2 Chronicles 26 Uzziah became the King of Judah.  As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.  I already talked about that a few posts back with one of the other Kings.  This seems to be a recurring theme in the Bible--well for that matter today.  In 2 Chronicles 26:18 there is a "BUT."  That is a but with one T, not two.  Uzziah followed God but then it says when he became powerful he got pride and that led to his downfall.

I would love to tell you how I don't have a prideful bone in my body but I'd be lying.  Pride was the downfall of Lucifer.  I wish I had the magic formula to keep pride out of my life.  It is a double edge sword. When one trusts in God and God delivers, people still give you praise even if you try to defect it.  Then when people don't notice what you think you have done, human nature leads us, or at least me at times, to want people to notice.  In my previous blog, I was in the top read lists almost every day.  That led to the desire to find more material to stay on top.  I'd love to say there was no pride in that but I'm sure there was some.

I have not posted a link to this blog.  As far as I know, I'm the only one who sees this.  That is fine with me.  I'm only writing because I sensed God telling me to write every day.  My prayer is that even if God gives me a platform at some point in the future, I remember that every good thing comes from God and I had nothing to do with it.  I feel like I'm in a holding pattern.  I have been in a leadership position from 1993 until this year.  2018 has been a tough year.   We've never had as many medical bills as we did this past year.  I took a severe pay cut.  I started two colleges at the same time.  When I went through the Freedom Small Group last Spring, God exposed a lot of ugly things in my life.  I'm thankful for people who loved me enough to point out areas I needed to get corrected.  I'm at a peaceful place with my emotions.  But, I'm restless.  I guess times like this humble us to where God wants us to be.

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