Saturday, January 5, 2019

Make the Big Ask

Today my Bible study led me into the book of Nehemiah.  I've heard plenty of sermons on this and remember reading a book by Chuck Swindoll on this book.  A few things struck me about my study today.  First, it was apparent that Nehemiah had a good relationship with the King.  The King saw that Nehemiah was downhearted.  After the king asked what was wrong, Nehemiah prayed right there at the moment.  That made me realize I need to be praying all of the time. I wrote about that a few weeks ago. I've tried to become better praying-- even asking God what direction to go on my commute to my companies that I serve?

The second thing I noticed was that after the king how old Nehemiah go and rebuild Jerusalem, Nehemiah made the big ask.  I wonder how many times that God has laid something on my heart and I was afraid to ask somebody to let me do what I felt God was calling me to do? Now when we planted a church I did make some big asks. 

How do we know if God is with us? Well, I think it becomes apparent by how God opens doors.  Nehemiah was granted his requests.  I think there are times when God gives us what we ask for we think it's going to be smooth sailing. However, in chapter 2 verse 10 of Nehemiah, he faced opposition. I think we need to always expect opposition.  Now I don't think we should be seeking it out but we should be looking for around to see where it is because it is there.

Another thing I noticed, was that Nehemiah didn't come storming into Jerusalem acting like the savior of the world.  He surveyed the situation for 3 days at night so he didn't draw attention to himself.  When he finally told the people of Jerusalem his vision they replied, "let's start rebuilding."  I think people are drawn to vision. I know I am. It is frustrating to be part of an organization that has no vision or it is a confusing vision and or you don't understand the vision or you don't like the vision.

After the people agreed to rebuild, the opposition began to mock and ridicule them. So this let me though realized that opposition doesn't stop just because people see the vision.  One of the things I've noticed from great leaders is that they keep the vision in front of people.  They remind them of the vision over and over. 

I noticed was in chapter 2 verse 20, Nehemiah remembered his call. There are so many times it seems like it will be time to quit, but I have to remember my calling.

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